PayPal Web Pages- For some time I've been wanting to set up a retail shopping cart page for the numerous products in the IMS files which could be sold. Recently , a few items have become more viable and having a page where orders can be placed is becoming quite important. So expect to see this page be presented in the near future. In the meantime orders from existing customers can be taken via e-mail or phone and once the new IMS mailing address is set-up, via the PO Box (see below). Those of you who have been given address information for either of my studios may use that. I don't care to publish those addresses on the internet.
AOL Web Pages - AOL is closing AOL Hometown, which is where the bulk of the web pages have been hosted since the inception of The IMS Virtual Studio. For the time being those pages have been downloaded and will be used as attachements when requested. The new pages will be restructured in a studio based design program. Since I am not certian exactly how to go about that, it may take a while to reformat the pages. Hence, I will post summaries here as I develop new pages and determine what server to post them on. Look for the expansion of this site to include some of the elements from the other pages. If I have made reference to another web page, or you find a dead link to that page, I will send you a copy if you need it. Otherwise, have patience as I restructure the Virtual Studio. AG
IMS Mailing Address - Image of the Mind Studios has closed the New Hope mailing address. Urgent mail can be sent to- Image of the Mind Studios c/o General Delivery, Bryn Athyn Post Office 19009. Please do not send advertising or promotional materials there until a box number has been established.