
Monday, August 21, 2017

New Concepts

   Revised 8/21/17

Well, interestingly enough, there have been some discussions lately about theme oriented theatre.

As you may know, there is an element in "The Gnomes of New Hope" called "Gnome Fest" and we are looking to produce an environmental theatre/festival project based on that part of the show.

So I am actively looking for producers who may like to be involved in this or any aspect of The Gnomes. We will need to have a team of producers working together on the numerous aspects of this show, because it is simply too big for any one producer to effectively handle.

NOTE; I am building "The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture" as the funding mechanism for this and this JV requires a Board of Governing Executive Producers. There is a buy-in to that board, which consists of twelve board positions. I am the Chairman of the Board. Discussion will take place on IMS Producing Partners.

Years ago, I was developing the concept of Gnomeville, as a theme environment that people could visit, but I put that aside for various reasons. I still have some property in mind for that concept, but it is very expensive land and I'm not sure that can actually happen, because of zoning.

    But way back when... I wanted to have "Gnomeville" be a stop along the New Hope/Ivyland Railroad. There is some remote possiblity of that happening, but the land to do that (along the railroad) may not be available.

I only make mention of it in case there are interested parties who may like to work toward that goal.

That concept remains a potential, but is not a priority right now, as we still have to finish illustrating the story, distribute the e-Storybook, finalize the puppetry presentation, film that show, start working on the animated film, deal with merchandizing, mount the stage musical and plan a tour.

   So as you can see, we're pretty busy. And there's the business factors related to all that and facilities development as well.

   But another amazing circumstance with incredible potential has arisen. I am working on devising an outline for that concept and trying to align the forces to look seriously at this.

   Unfortunately I cannot reveal much of that concept here, only to say it is relative to a theme park and, not only it is huge, but it would benefit literally thousands of people and hundreds of businesses.

That is not, however, directly connected to the Gnomes, other than the possibility that "The Gnomes" may be presented within that environment.

   It is beyond the capabilities of Image of the Mind Studios as it now exists, but if we build the organization in accordance with the business plan laid out for The Gnomes, then implementing that concept might not be out of reach.

  That project would require some serious land development and management resources and abilities. So clearly, I would only provide the conceptual development, as that is my specialty.

   In that regard, I will begin discussing some of the business plan for IMS, in the most general terms, on IMS Producing Partners, just in case we can move that concept forward. It will be contingent upon investment in IMS.

   Just one point here regarding financing; I am still functioning under the Front Money Agreement and my minimum is $10k. I expect that minimum to go up as a result of increasing costs of numerous items, including the Legal fees for finalizing our contract structure, implementing the Joint Venture, and making a Closely Held Stock release. These subjects will be addressed in more detail on IMS Producing Partners or at the Studio.

Another focus for financing is Licensing & Options, if this applies contact me.

More later,