
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure - Libretto

Finally !    I know I've said this before but the most recent edition, (Rev. 5c) of The Libretto is completed.  I needed to go over the document with a fine-tooth comb to be certain that there were no errors or inconsistencies, so I can definitely say - Revision 5c is complete.

Now, there is one exception. That is the we need to do the melody lines for the two remaining lyrical songs. Historically, the song lyrics are slightly altered when we develop the melody. Minor things like changing - "we have to we've or we" depending on the way the beat ends up going. So those two songs will not essentially change the Libretto in any significant way. There may end up being some alteration of the timing when the Technical Specifications are finished as well.

I have an order form, which I will post here shortly, for anyone wishing to have a copy of the Libretto.

We will be turning our attention to the score, which consists of 64 songs, bridges between scenes, & background instrumentals. There are still six instrumentals and two lyrical songs to be written and at least a dozen which need to be arranged/orchestrated, so there is still a lot of work to do.

The total time is approximate, however it appears that Act One is musically about 69 minutes long and Act Two is currently showing as 59 without the finale and the lead up to it. The Overture is not yet written, but it is essentially a composite of the other songs. Total dialogue should at most be thirty minutes and probably about half of that has music under it. We're shooting to hold the line at two hours and forty-five minutes.

I have separated off the Narrative Story from the Libretto for the sake of shortening the publication. I expect to begin restructuring the Narrative story to fit two basic formats. One is for use with the stage play and the other is the Illustrated Storybook. There are actually four versions of the Illustrated Storybook - the main Storybook publication, which will be a "coffee table" edition, the second is a "Gnome Sized" Edition in three volumes, the third is the insert for the Music CD, and the forth is a black & white coloring book. I suppose a fifth would be the comic book as well. All of these publication editions are available for licensing to a publisher who can guarantee world-wide distribution.

The Story-boards for the film will likely come out of that process as well.

There is also an additional story which is titled; "The Gnomes of New Hope: The Stone of Wisdom" That story tells the history of Gnomanity, Gnomeville and Zachary the Great's quest for Artimus, the Stone of Wisdom and the beginnings of the resistance against the Dark One and his minions.

I've begun to layout the Technical Specifications for the current stage musical and to plan out the set  movements, fly schedules, cue sheets and lighting designs, on the presumption that this will need to be done and in the absence of the resources to pay someone else to do it, having the capability to do it myself I will begin the layouts.  I do not expect to go too deep into the Tech layout just yet, but I want to establish certain parameters, so that I can direct other technicians to perform these tasks. I have much to do in setting up the scene shop and so my attention will be in that direction.

As always, I am seeking to fund this operation.  The pricing for purchase of the Libretto is as follows:

CD or DVD Rom - @$50

Spiral Bound Hard Copy, full color illustrations - @$250

Signed, Limited Edition Portfolio Boxed Set - @$1,500

(Limited to 150 Editions, numbers 1-21 are reserved for investors
 contributing $10, 000 or more to the production costs)

Purchase of any copy of the Libretto includes membership to IMS Producing Partners and access to that Production Management web site. There will be numerous benefits to membership.

As mentioned elsewhere, I am currently seeking Front Money as well as Agency Representation for this project and invite inquiry in that regard.

Further details will be posted as we progress.