
Thursday, June 06, 2019

IMS Producing Partners

I just discovered a variation in the web address to
So here is the corrected link.
(it is correct in the header)

IMS Producing Partners is for Business Associates, 
Interested and involved Industry Professionals 
Participants, Friend of the Production and Investors

I'm changing IMS Producing Partners to a restricted blog that is no longer a subscription site.
If you want to have access to the blog, which deals with the Business Documents
and other details on Producing, you will need to email me

 An early shot of the puppet shop.

A modified "Gnomeskull"
with a most excellent joint design,
although the neck is too long,
testing the neck joint.

A wider view of a work area,
showing work on the Dragon Puppet Heads
For the Annual New Church Day celebration
on June 19th
in Bryn Athyn PA
check it out,
a 40 foot seven headed dragon,
the Pageant starts at 7pm

 Starting to configure the Zach Puppet

The unfinished head in place,
altered joints & spine,
 arms & legs length adjusted.