
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Business dialogue

You will find postings here which discuss some of the Business Modus Operandi.

What is said here is not cut in stone. Even though it is mostly referring to absolutes, the final language is only fixed in the signed contracts and through direct dialogue. Whatever is posted here is for the purpose of providing the context for productive talks on, not only financing, but production management as a whole.

I set up IMS Producing Partners as a subscription page for our investors because there needs to be Classified Information there, but since some of that information is necessary for potential partners to become involved, I have set up IMS Management as a place for that information. If you've read some thoughts that require more information on management issues, that would be the place to look for further discussions on that subject. It may not be there at first, but it will eventually get there.

With all of this, I am working on a plan to migrate all of the blog information to a IMS domain and to implement an internal server. I'm not sure how long all that will take, but it's on the schedule. At some point, I will need to locate an IT person to oversee that arena.