I recently did a Google search of The Gnomes of New Hope. One of the results was a post on this blog. A post created in 2013. Gadzooks! I forgot I had even written that post. I scanned it briefly and it does appear to touch all the bases, of course, the thinking in that post may be outdated... But then again, it may not. I had no idea that preparing the books for publication would take so many years to achieve. I am about ready to print the final prototype run. Part of that process has also included setting up the production line requirements for in-house publication. So that has added to the time frame. In any event, I can recommend that any of what I have, or will say on these pages is valid, if even somewhat dated. In regard to this older post, from what I saw, it was a good overview. Maybe I'll transfer it over to www.thegnomesofnewhope.blogspot.com and then update it. AG