
Welcome to the IMS Virtual Studio

Copyright Announcement- The Copyright of all material posted in this blog, is owned by Image of the Mind Studios and it is posted here for your review only. Text or images may not be copied or reprinted without permission in writing. This is the case for all creative materials, including what has been posted on this and other blogs managed by IMS and myself. Arthur Greisiger.

Monday, November 04, 2019

IMS Management


 Here is a post regarding Studio Overhead.

Here is a link to the IMS Management Page, where I discuss (and make available) more details about operations and present some of The Business Plan.

I have set up that page for presenting some of the information that is necessary to advance the production in terms of investment and the business structure that may come into play if we fund the Business Plan and thus create a group of organizations based on the Image of the Mind Studios business model.

IMS Producing Partners is designed as a page for communicating classified material with our investors and other participants, whereas IMS Management is a page that presents materials that are not classified.

Up until this point, management discussions have been presented on the IMS Virtual Studio (this blog) and also on The Gnome of New Hope blog, but from now on I will avoid doing that and place those discussions about management on IMS Management.


Saturday, November 02, 2019

Watching and Waiting...

The Moody Blues, one of my favorite songs...

I'll post an update on The Gnomes of New Hope blog.

As far as the studio goes, my concentration right now is on getting my work trucks back up and running. I was moving forward with a new engine for the Corvair Rampside, but that stalled. I have been looking for another donor FC 95 for the parade float, but now I'm also wanting to build a dump trailer to go with the Rampside. I have a Dodge Ram pick-up, which I am going to strip for parts. I've decided to use the bed on an army trailer frame I have. It dumps. So I plan on moving the bed to that. If I ever get around to it, I'd like to keep the inner bed and switch the outer panels over to Corvair truck, to match the Rampside... a matched set, truck and trailer. It will be worth more when I eventually sell it.

But more directly, I am prepping my International Loadstar CO1600 to receive a replacement transmission. That truck was last on the road twelve years ago! It must have been that long since the transmission broke. I looked all over the country for parts to repair the T98, to no avail. Finally, I bought a transmission from a yard in Idaho. Apparently, when the price of steel went up, everything got crushed, making the parts for the truck harder to get. So that trans is almost ready to go in. After that truck is running again, I need to mount the plow I got for it, then it's on to getting the crane arm working and finishing the gates for the stake sides. And after all that, I need to replace the bed again. I used white oak and it rotted, so this time I expect to use locust, if I can find it. Maybe I'll use pressure treated, but pine is too soft. If I do that, I may put diamond plate on top, but that takes my tare weight way high. Well, we'll see. I'd like to convert it it 4WD, put in an auxiliary trans and a two-speed rear axle. Finding those parts is most likely a fantasy.

I acquired the CO1600 for hauling sets and I expect to need that for The Gnomes of New Hope, at least in here in Pennsylvania. I have two semi-trailers, one of which I plan on using to package the show, but it's only 35', so I'd have to limit the size of the show. But I did get that size figuring it would be more manageable bringing the show into the city. It's a curb loader with doors on both sides. I'd hate to have to pay two trucks to move the show, but that might be necessary. I am looking for CO1600-1800 or Dodge L700 tractor to move those trailers around. Not over state lines though, too complicated with the regs and CDL at this point. I'll hire out for that.

That all for now. AG

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Studio objectives

I have had nine Studios over the years. I was intending to make 1325 Industrial Boulevard the main, and possibly, final location for the studio. I'm beginning to rethink this. It is a conflicted environment, having family ties that are imbalanced (to be kind).

For many years, decades really, I have had the design for a studio compound in my mind. I had thought that by establishing a base of operations at 1325, I could then move to create the Theatrical Development Centre Retreat in a more rural environment.

I thought that the property on Industrial Boulevard would allow us to engage in production activities, while establishing another, more remote, studio compound and so I moved forward to do so, while assisting my father with running the machine shop.

That worked for a while. But now that it breaks down to my siblings, the conflict is too great, too distracting and I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. My work is not as productive as I want and need it to be.

So I will be developing a plan to begin establishing the Retreat environment and exit the current location. I'm already 65, so I'm not looking forward to setting up shop again. The only way to avoid doing that is to gain sufficient funds to buy everyone out of both the machine shop and the buildings and thus stay put. This is preferable, because I have years worth of energy spent setting the space up. But since there is so much still to be done, maybe starting fresh might be a good thing. Especially if I am able to do so unempaired by foolishiness and unwelcomed & unnecessary confict. It is a dilemna.

Clearly the equity in The Gnomes of New Hope is sufficient to do that. So if I can make that happen, that would be good. If not, then many things that are underway will get disturbed, by having to stop in midstream, pack up and relocate again. If this happens  the work may never get reestablished. It has happened many times before and frankly, I dread seeing that happen again.

I say all this by way of addressing potential business partners who may be able to provide the required funding, substantial funding. Not from the "bank loan" scenario. I mean a sizable amount of money that does not get paid back. Selling rights to the project or capitalizing either the production or the new organizations I have outlined in the Business Plan.

I can use Licensing, Options, Production/Distribution Agreements, or The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture.

Also forming IMS Management, Inc. and/or The Gnomes of New Hope Productions can also provide funding.

The composite of these organizations provides an excellent opportunity for growing an collaborative group of production capabilities. They are designed to be symbiotic in nature and over 40 years of exposure to the entertainment industry backs up the organizational structure. The design of those organizations is under ongoing development, but it is available for review on request.

Implementing this structure has been part of the plan, but it has taken a back seat to the refinement of the Core Creative Materials.

But now, being faced with this conflicted work environment, I need to encourage capital investment in the Image of the Mind Studios group of organizations.

Those organizations are intended to come to life under the guidance of a vested group of capable managers, more than one Board of Directors, separate from myself or Image of the Mind Studios as it now exists. I have devised the organizational structure, which in part, is a means to pass all the creativity housed in Image of the Mind Studios onto future generation of artists, producers, and other creative individuals, to continue the work and to create an environment where those activities can florish under a methology that can apply to any and all theatrical and cinema endeavors.

It is somewhat drawn from the studio system in it's concept, but not as all encompassing under one umbrella. The organizations stand on their own as to form, but are interdependent as to their functions. The relationship between the organizations is well thought-out, but the implementation is wholely contingent upon installing the correct personnel. For the modus operandi is intended to be founded on the establishing principles, which set the groundwork for growth of the organizations as service oriented businesses, utilizing existing projects to establish operations that will service an array of new projects designed to avail themselves of the system inherent in the organizational structure, which takes into account the composite as being symbiotic.

I hate to say this, but I may not be long for this world. The stress is killing me. So I want Image of the Mind Studios to become the butterfly that has been growing for decades. I may not see it happen, but I want to be certain that it does.
I no longer need to cling to this. It is larger than I am and I am becoming smaller than I was.

Those of you who see this potential and want to participate in this metamorphosis are welcome to inquire and enter into discussion with me.


Monday, September 02, 2019

Other Investment Opportunities

There may be a circumstance where stock shares in an existing manufacturing operation might come to be available. If this is an interesting subject to you as an investor, keep watch. If it does happen, I'll create another blog to address that situation.

I will say that I am also crafting a proposal for sale of shares in an organization that already exists and has been funded to the tune of 6M, which resulted in numerous patents for ground breaking technology. I can't say more than that it involves the medical industry and it is huge. That may be a closed situation, but if not, I will post on that subject here at another date.


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Recent Activities

HiJust to keep things moving forward...

I've been working with PowerPoint for the Narrated version of the e-Storybook of The Gnomes of New Hope. It's phenomenal! So I'm also developing promotional materials on the platform as well. My hope is to link it to Final Cut Studio and use those combination of tools to produce the animated films of each song  and scene in the show. I post on numerous blogs, so sometimes each blog appears outdated, but I do post regularly.

For the past month or so, I've been rebuilding the tail section of a 40' dragon puppet, which I'm in charge of. I've become the Dragon Master, since I built the chassis for the puppet originally about 8 years ago. This year's maintenance involved redesigning the spine and implementing a new mechanical design. So I've been busy with that. I may post photos at some point.

I'm also working on designs for the parade float/mobile stage, as well as the sets and puppetry for that presentation of The Gnomes of New Hope. But then, there is also the recording that needs to take place of a few songs, particularly "The Stone of Wisdom" .

All that means is - things are busy and I need to raise sizeable chunks of change to keep everything going. If you are an investor or a potential licensee, let me know, I'm doling out rights for a fee.

We're also looking to secure large scale distribution of Book One, 100k+ would be nice. Let me know if that's your specialty.


Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

Link to "Nunc Licet" script

Nunc Licet 
a stage play
based in part on
 the Writings of
Emanuel Swedenborg

The Alpha & Omega Society

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Check out The Gnomes of New Hope blog. A number of venue options have presented themselves in a more profound way. So, some serious producing activity will inevitably be taking place. That's going to require some substantial funding if we are going to do it right.

I guess that means I'll be doing layouts for each of these performance scenarios, including GnomeFest, which now seems eminently more important.

I've still got to finish the book publishing and getting the shop properly set up, but I think that a few other venues are starting to take off. I got that sense after visiting the Summer Solstice Faerie Festival in Maryland yesterday.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

An Introduction to The Business Plan

I have transferred 
to the IMS Management page. 

It is a lengthy review of the Modus Operandi that is under way for the overall production of 

. More details of the points discussed here will be posted elsewhere for the purpose of moving into production under the plan presented or any other plan which may arise.

 I welcome your input via email at;

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

IMS Management

I have been reviewing the blogs I have set up and found one for
So I will be working to build that blog in accordance with 
The Business Plan
and build pages for each arm of the organizational structure
to address specifics in each of those operations.

Here's the first page of the Industry Review Package
which contains hard copy of the contract materials
and The Business Plan.
I may post  The Industry Review on a
Restricted Page connected to
IMS Producing Partners
(request access)

Friday, June 07, 2019

Image of the Mind Studios Logo

I Finally settled in on a look for the IMS Logo. This Logo was designed in 1977 when I formed Image of the Mind Studios. It started out as simply Image of the Mind. Then when I moved to Boston it became Image of the Mind Productions. Then when I moved to Hollywood and tried to set up a second office there, it became Image of the Mind Studios.

For years I struggled with how to include the word Studios into the Logo, because that threw the balance out of wack. So I included the word Studios with the text design and when I carved that into the stake sides on my 1961 Corvair Rampside truck, I eliminated the star. That solved the balance problem, because the star would not fit on the panel I was carving.

But I still could not come up with the graphic details I wanted for the Logo. I tried an assortment of variations but none of them worked very well. For one of my film productions I tried creating a few different Logo trailers. None of them are what I want as the image that the world would see. When I was experimenting with the logo for film, I decided to have a star made out of crystal (although I haven't done that yet). My plan is to take that crystal star and spin it, letting it wind down to a standstill. once it starts to slow down, I want to have the remaining logo design components dissolve/fade up into it. Well, something to that effect, maybe a variation thereof. I'll work on that after I get my editing bench up and working again.

Back In '77 I took out an ad in Variety announcing the introduction of Image of the Mind Studios, but it was not the kind of add that was intended to attract attention, it was more spiritual in nature. Maybe sometime I'll post it here.

So about a year ago I started playing with the Logo, based on what I was doing with text for The Gnomes of New Hope. I came up with numerous variations, but this one satisfies me the most. It has color I like, the inferred distribution of light and color and the sub title "From Concept, To Form, And Beyond" which just about says it all in terms of the creative process that Image of the Mind Studio is engaged in. I'm not entirely satisfied with the clarity of the Star in the center of the Logo, and there are a few other adjustments to be made, but that can be rectified in future editions.

About the Star; it started out with a cross, the symbol of Christianity.  But then I changed it into a sword, partly as a result of being offered membership in the Templar degree, but that's another story.  The Star beams forth from that symbol as the source of all life and the creative force. It divides the title Image of the Mind in half, basically an image in the mind. An image being in the spiritual degree and the mind being the form in which that image manifests. It is the combination of the spiritual force merging with the tangible form of the mind, which ultimately controls the natural degree of the body, where concepts take form and can then become useful by going beyond into application. So that is the correspondential  understanding of what the Logo and sub-title stand for. Adding Studios was simply a way to identify the many components that have individuality and must be in place for the whole to exist, much the way we have a body consisting of many components both internal and external. So studios does not refer to multiple external businesses, it refers to multiple internal components of one studio.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

IMS Producing Partners

I just discovered a variation in the web address to
So here is the corrected link.
(it is correct in the header)

IMS Producing Partners is for Business Associates, 
Interested and involved Industry Professionals 
Participants, Friend of the Production and Investors

I'm changing IMS Producing Partners to a restricted blog that is no longer a subscription site.
If you want to have access to the blog, which deals with the Business Documents
and other details on Producing, you will need to email me

 An early shot of the puppet shop.

A modified "Gnomeskull"
with a most excellent joint design,
although the neck is too long,
testing the neck joint.

A wider view of a work area,
showing work on the Dragon Puppet Heads
For the Annual New Church Day celebration
on June 19th
in Bryn Athyn PA
check it out,
a 40 foot seven headed dragon,
the Pageant starts at 7pm

 Starting to configure the Zach Puppet

The unfinished head in place,
altered joints & spine,
 arms & legs length adjusted.

Monday, June 03, 2019

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, Front Money


Since I realize that I must (more actively) pursue the Joint Venture, then I'm posting here to bring the older post into a newer time frame. I'm hoping to work on consolidating these blogs in the near future, but for now, I will be addressing these issues on IMS Producing Partners. As it stands now, IMS Producing Partners is a membership site for Vested Partners. I may change that structure in the future though. We'll see. AG

 Normally I post these subjects on IMS Producing Partners, but since that site was set up as a membership site, few people will see the posts. IMS Producing Partners is not functioning entirely as I had intended yet, simply because I am running out of time to manage that end of things the way I would like to.  As you may see from reviewing The Gnomes of New Hope blog I've decided to pull back from certain management activities and focus on completing the book series. All seven of the Illustrated Storybooks need to be finished and in the marketplace before we can really start to fly, so-to-speak.To do that we need to raise the funds needed to complete the artwork and conform the book layouts to the new printing specs. It's a lot of work, especially in the context of all the other work that is under way. That's going to require at least 150K, possibly more, in whole or in part, drawn from Front Money. Front Money has a 300% return and no time frame.

This post addresses two of the critical subjects necessary for producing The Gnomes. Front Money and the Joint Venture. Conversations recently with investors has caused me to review the contracts and the Business Plan.

 In terms of the Front Money Agreement; I've reviewed the original contract and updated it by clarifying the language and expanding upon some of the terms which seemed to be presumed in the previous agreement. This expansion and clarification does not change the terms of any previous agreement, however I added an additional benefit, when it comes to reinvestment of the principle and return. In particular, a reinvestment, at the discretion of the producers, brings with it additional return from the Producers share of the Limited Partnership, if those funds remain in the LP (and if an LP is implemented). This in addition to a commensurate number of shares in the Limited Partners portion. That does not mean that the LP investor gains shares in the GP portion, that means that the General Partners take on an obligation of return additional money to those Front Money Investors from their portion. There are other clarifying points on subjects that might have been misconstrued if they were not  embellished upon further. Of course that makes the document longer, but, oh well.

I can say that I do believe that the Front Money Agreement will not require updating again, because it has been expanded to cover details that I thought unnecessary or unwise in earlier editions. Truth be told, I'm dealing with more sophisticated investors now because the numbers are higher for the budget amounts we need to secure. So review was appropriate.

I'm still finishing some of the Developmental activities that require less investment, but that will need to change drastically in the very near future. Lack of funds is stunting the growth of the project severely. It's not just the project itself. I have substantial outlay required for equipment, facilities, and management logistics and that takes away from moving further into pre-production and ultimately production. I am trying to align the foundations for distribution, which as you know must be in place before even considering going into production. So the focus, goal, and reality is that the publishing needs to be completed and there are numerous details in that regard.

Book One is sufficient to outline the essence of the entire series for advancement into serious discussions about funding other arenas, in particular Cinema and other presentations,  such as the parade float/presentation or concert opportunities.

In house activities are blending preparations of the sound-stage/scene shop/GFX/animation/puppetry and this needs to be funded as well.

It should be noted that the e-Storybook is shaping into a premier exhibition medium and it's development may take precedence over  entering into presentation in some other venues. That in itself is justification for much of the in-house activities that are being developed.

So with all that in mind, not to mention the other intended higher level of professional industry activities, both domestic and international, I have been reviewing the Business Plan. There are aspects of it that have been outdated because of changing circumstances and a new clarity that resulted from Book One being published. So too, have the circumstances with my facilities changed. None of these changes are sufficient to change the Modus Operandi as a whole, but certain aspects of the operation have come into focus and the larger speculation on possibilities, has given way to the utter realities which must be addressed, if this is ever to advance into reasonable, if not the fullest manifestation.

The original Business Plan, which went through numerous revisions to bring it to the state of definition in which it now exists, clearly will need go through numerous other revisions, before it can be considered as a viable production tool. In the present plan, The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture is addressed along with other subjects in a detail which I would like to isolate from the narrative presented.

From my point of view now, the assorted subjects that have been addressed need to be separated into more distinct sub-categories and the entire document needs to be structured, so that it refers to those sub-categories as adjacent documents instead of having the details of those sub-categories integrated into the language of The Plan. Doing this will give The Business Plan much greater flexibility to include new categories, such as First and Second Class operations, or The Ancillary Markets and effectively produce distinct operational guidelines for each category. The whole point of The Business Plan is to lead into the management structure that is identified within it, not just to raise the capital to do so, but also to set the groundwork for the Board of Directors of The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, IMS Management Incorporated, and The Gnomes of New Hope Productions to operate in accordance with the plan, or to at least be set on the path to the ultimate operating structure which will originate in the plan. But that plan also applies to other projects as well.

These organizations must be set in place, if another larger studio does not step in to take over operations of The Gnomes of New Hope. That option is always on the table, but really, I'm not holding my breath.

So I am reviewing the Business Plan in order to make it a more useful tool. That plan is divided into sections already and I can provide sections for review to investors if they want to see it, but for now The Front Money Agreement is the primary document and the actual Business Plan is only available to vested IMS Producing Partners. Book One and all the adjacent production documents are sufficient to present the scope and methodology to Front Money Investors.

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture requires a buy-in. I'm splitting the shares in The Gnomes of New Hope (essentially) in half and selling those shares to The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture. That means that the twelve member Vested Board of Directors will gain 100% of all the rights to exploit the project in both the domestic and the international markets. They will not have the right to change, expand upon, or develop the Core Creative Materials. That right remains with and under the purview of Image of the Mind Studios. I will sit as the Chairman of the Board and in that capacity retain the one twelfth share of The Elder Gnomes shares. The remaining eleven Board Positions are available for sale to the appropriately credible investor.  That means that the Board positions require active vested individuals, with the credentials to fill a specific role in the management of the organizations and the project as a whole. There are the normal positions; CEO, CFO, etc, but there are also positions that are specific to the industries involved in this project. Theatre, Film, Television, Merchandising, etc. Each of the Board positions in The Elder Gnomes has a supervisory capacity over the other organizations (until they are fully capitalized) and the Business Plan has a tiered structure running across all the organizations previously identified.

The Elder Gnomes will alway retain ultimate authority over The Gnomes of New Hope, but the organizational structure accommodates other productions under the same defined structure. A parallel example would be this; The Nunc Licet Joint Venture, IMS Mgmt, and Nunc Licet Productions. This organization would be for the project "Nunc Licet" a stage play about Emanuel Swedenborg. Any other project would have the same organizational structure; The Alpha & Omega Joint Venture, IMS Mgmt, Alpha & Omega Productions. "I Am Alpha & Omega is my Mangum Opus. In all instances of project originating from Image of the Mind Studios, IMS retains Creative Control. The same would be the case for a project originating elsewhere.

This information is all outlined in greater detail in The Business Plan, but in a Gnutshell; The Board Positions in the Elder Gnomes require a buy-in. Each seat on the Board maintains 1M shares at one dollar per share. Shares in the Elder Gnomes belong to the Joint Venture as a whole and not to the person sitting on the Board. There is accommodation to recoup the buy-in after there is a stock split. If a Front Money investor's credentials match the need of any of the Board positions in any of the organizations; Elder Gnomes, IMS Mgmt, or the Production company, then there are accommodations for the transfer of the Front Money investment to that organization and Board position upon approval.

To put it plainly, this project needs to move out of my hands and into an organization of numerous people fulfilling an array of management, creative, production, and performance roles. This is the point of the plan briefly outlined above. I remain open to all other options, given that one realizes that the depth of implementation of the Business Plan will dictate the actions that must take place.

That's all for now. AG

Monday, May 13, 2019

IMS Product Gallery

The link above will take you to that page. I am returning to building that page somewhat, now that I am concentrating on the IMS Sales Office and Showroom at 1325 Industrial Boulevard in Southampton. I am no longer focusing on placing our products in the stores, although I will do so, but rather concentrating on setting up our wholesale operations within the studio and setting up a shopping cart. I you are reading this and work in sales, I am open discussion of sales representation for various products and such. My energy needs to stay focused on the studio environment. If you are a retailer and see something that interests you, send me an email to discuss it.


Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Architectural Lighting Equipment

 Here is a link to some lighting equipment I have available for sale or trade. I will trade the equipment for Theatrical Lighting equipment. I need DMX dimmers and a board, 3.5/6" lekos, Source Fours, or a video projector.  Being that I am building "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" there are numerous other supplies I could use. There's an email link on that site.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Architectural Lighting

I recently acquired the lighting equipment that was used to light the Bryn Athyn Cathedral for the June 19th celebration.
The Cathedral decided to install a permanent lighting system, because numerous occasions for lighting the Cathedral had begun to arrise and they wanted to eliminate the effort necessary to set up the equipment that had been in use and have control from a main switch.
So I bought the old equipment after the new system had been installed.
I am currently sorting and categorizing the equipment. I've separated it into Lots. Some of the equipment can be used in the studio for the sound stage, which I am in the process of designing and building.
Before I reconfigure the cables for use on my stage, I am going to offer the Lots for sale to other facilities which may like to illuminate their buildings for special occasions. I considered making the equipment available as a rental and doing the installations as a service, but that would take away from the work required for The Gnomes, so I'd rather sell the equipment, or trade it for the theatrical equipment I need for the sound stage.
I will post the photos when I can. If you think you might have a use for this equipment, contact me directly and I can send you some documentation as a PDF via email. AG

Friday, March 22, 2019

Thoughts on "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure"

As I have proclaimed numerous times, Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure is one of The Gnomic Tales that is part of The Gnomes of New Hope collection of Storybooks. The Gnomes of New Hope began life as a simple puppet show, a result of my working for The New Hope Arts Commission, serving as the Technical Director for The New Hope Performing Arts Festival. I performed this role for nine years, and during that time, I became frustrated designing, building and operating shows for a wide variety of people, some of which did not appreciate my efforts and others who did not understand what could, or not, be done, and still others who were demanding premadonnas. The whole gamut of circumstances were present, but what it added up to, was a desire to spend my energy setting up a show the way I thought it should be. A show that was simple and straight forward. A show that was innocent and good. A show that was for everyone. A show that was fantastical. A show that wasn't hard to understand, or too challenging, or religious, or political, or perverted, or hostile, or ugly in any way. A show that had potential to expand. A show that could become a film. A puppet show? A live action show? A stop-action film? An animated film? A show that had become a Project!

What started out simple has become complicated. Rats! What started out as a simple puppet show became a full blown musical theatre show and in order to build an audience for that show, it  became a series of Illustrated Storybooks. Which is where we stand. Almost ready to release the first of seven Storybooks to the public.

But that's not all, or even enough. In order to produce this show, a work space needed to be acquired, equipped, and set up to accommodate the personnel required. That is in the process of being refined. Image of the Mind Studios is in a 10k sq ft warehouse space with 40 years worth of effort to set up a functional studio. But again, that's not all, or enough!

The business management to effectuate this endeavor must be in place, along with sufficient funding to carry it through. This too is underway. I will not discuss that here or now. Those discussions are now reserved for the IMS Producing Partners blog.

So whatever needs to be done, will be done. How long will it take is another question. But as Gerald Schoenfeld said to me once, "you have to have your ducks in a row". And that's what we're doing.

Mostly the work that needed to be done to set this up, needed to be done by me. But that time is coming to an end. It's time to take it out of my hands and put it into a system of production that employs a wide array of other talents. To do that depends on production management and finance. That's where we stand in terms of the theatrical endeavor, but also in terms of distributing the published goods.

I will leave those discussions for another time and place.

That's all for now. AG

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Recent post on IMS Producing Partners

Here is a discussion on Finance and Licensing as it pertains to the Ancillary Markets.

Saturday, March 02, 2019


   Now that the Creative Content of The Gnomes of New Hope is locked into the publishing layout, other business can be attended to. Some of that business is getting the trucks back up and running.

1961 Corvair Rampside

   For over twenty years I operated my Corvair Forward Control, 95 Rampside as my primary work truck. I worked that truck like a dog and it served me very well indeed. I put nine engines and five trans-axles in it to keep it running over the years. Part of that was a result of experience, knowing that; after a certain time of operation, the best approach is to pull the power train and swap it out for another prepared one, leaving the old power train ready for bench inspection and repair. With an old truck like that (1961) it's best not to let the parts break in operation. That only results in more damage and expense, not to mention getting stranded.

   So, I am now preparing another engine for the Corvair truck. I built an engine years ago, thinking that one would be a long term engine, only to be faced with having been supplied with faulty rings by Clark's. I spent five grand building that engine and it only lasted a few months before the compression ring in piston number one broke and blew out the piston and wrecked the head. I'm rather uncertain about the demise of that engine, because one thing I did do was to modify the combustion chamber of the heads. I used a 102hp set of heads and altered the volume of the chamber by eliminating a block of aluminum that was positioned directly across from the spark plugs. I made the presumption that that block, being where it was, added to the head temperature, so I removed it. I did calculate the volume, using fluid and calibrated beakers, as best I could. But I'm still trepiditious about the results in terms of performance, because the rings failed before I could make a determination.

So now I'm using that block with a new set of stock pistons and stock 110 heads.

   It's funny, but after that engine crapped, an engine I spent five grand building, I put a junkyard engine from a car in and ran it for years with no trouble, until the rings finally gave out. Go figure.

   I'm looking forward to having that truck up and running again.

1962 International
            Loadstar CO 1600

   So years ago, I bought a Medium duty truck. I found the CO1600 and was smitten. I had been looking for another truck, one that was slightly heavier duty than the Corvair. I was looking at buying a Jeep Cab Over, a truck I always liked, since I was a kid. I think that is because I had a toy version of that truck. The Jeep I was looking to buy was rough. The guy was going to sell me two trucks, so I could make one. I was on the fence when I found the International Loadstar. It was a cab over and it looked like a grown-up version of the Corvair truck. It was a lot bigger than the Jeep. I guess the deciding factor was the propensity of the Jeep to flip forward because of the weight in the nose end. But also the Jeep shop was on the verge  of closing, which had some effect on the decision. So went with the Loadstar. It was a hulk that I had to rebuild, basically from the ground up. I rebuilt the cab doors and floor, put in a new engine, new tires, a rebuilt dumping stake bed, rebuilt braking system and numerous other things, including installing  a 14' 4k lb crane arm. The odometer in the truck includes a 100k digit and the odometer on this truck was under 50k original miles. So for a 70 year old truck it's practically new.

  Well, ironically, the Loadstar lasted about six months on the road before I blew the transmission. That was my own fault. I did not have a good understanding of how to operate the power take off or the creeper gear. First gear is a creeper and is not synchronized. The shifter in the Loadstar is a four speed on the column. The adjustments on the shifter and the hydraulic clutch are critical. I found that out the hard way. I wrecked first/reverse because the adjustments we're not right. I thought a little gear grinding wouldn't matter. I was wrong. Any gear grinding is not acceptable. It will result in damage. It took me six years to find another transmission. I think the reason for that is that; when the price of steel went up all the old trucks got scrapped, so these Cab Over Loadstars are increasingly rare, at least in the scrap yards.

  So now I have another transmission for the truck and I'm preparing it for installation.

  I have to say, I'm looking for another one, set up as a tractor to pull my semi trailers. I figure that a 35' trailer will be just about right for loading "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" into as a rental. So that's the direction I'm headed in.

Parade Float
   The other vehicle that is being worked on is a parade float. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to build the chassis of the parade float using a Corvair truck as the donor vehicle. The suspension and power-train are perfect for what I need to do. The real advantage here is that the power-train and rear suspension are a self-contained unit. That means the length of the chassis can be whatever distance is needed, since all the engine controls are via cables, particularly when using the automatic transmission.

  I'll discuss this project further elsewhere as it proceeds.

That's all for now. AG

Friday, February 15, 2019

Business Plan

Although there have not been too many posts on this blog lately, that doesn't mean things have not been busy. In fact, that indicates just how busy things have been.

The larger part of work has been on finalizing the publishing of the Storybooks of The Gnomes of New Hope. The initial focus was to plan to meet demand for a wide distribution of the books, so the publishing was being set up for that scenario. There have been a few delays in that plan, but the basic requirements for that level of distribution are in place. But now I have decided to pull back from that and focus on setting up in-house on demand publishing. The main issue there is inventory and the outlay required, across the board, for deep saturation. The outlay is just too high, the return is too delayed, and the balance of the books still need illustrations in order for the entire collection of books to be "immediately" available. Without the full collection available for distribution, as a collection, then I think deep saturation, or any attempt to achieve that, would be a foolish move. To do so may impair the market by inserting an incomplete product and risking alienating the audience. So on demand publishing, directed at a targeted audience, industry professionals and select individuals such as investors, is the best possible scenario, until such time as the entire collection is closer to being released (as a boxed set). As it stands now; three of the seven books are assembled and fully Illustrated, with only book one completely ready for press.

That being the case, Book One is being published and released on demand, as it is being used to prime the publishing systems; manufacturing, distribution, investment and pre-production for theatre and cinema.

The Business Plan
The blog for discussions on this subject is IMS Producing Partners, but essentially the Business Plan that is moving forward is as such - there are four organizations involved; The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture (the funding operation), IMS Management Incorporated (logistical management), The Gnomes of New Hope Productions (the producing organization) and Image of the Mind Studios (design and development). The implementation of these organizations is contingent upon no other organization stepping in to buy The Gnomes of New Hope franchise. So for further discussion on these subjects keep an eye out on the other blogs and pages on Facebook, most particularly IMS Producing Partners. If you are an industry professional or investor, the entire package of materials, including investment documents, will be available in an electronic package, presented in "Gnomes in a Gnutshell". Make a request via email for discussion on the subject.


Saturday, January 05, 2019

The future of Cinema Under the Stars

Visit: Cinema Under the Stars for discussion about this program. All activities in the Meadow Amphitheatre are on hiatus. This and other programs will center around a new portable stage which we are building and will be presented at various locations.

The Meadow Amphitheatre

The Meadow Amphitheatre has been dismantled due (in large part) to vandalism.

We expect to rebuild a portable version of the stage, which will be available on a rental basis. Look for further information to appear on the web pages linked below or send an email to

A tour of The Meadow Amphitheatre has been moved to it's own site and there is a page on Facebook titled "The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park".

Please refer to The Shakespearean Journal for the commentary & discussion regarding efforts to rebuild the stage."

Any information or photographs regarding this stage activity may be found at these three locations and postings will depend somewhat on the interest shown by other people.

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