
Welcome to the IMS Virtual Studio

Copyright Announcement- The Copyright of all material posted in this blog, is owned by Image of the Mind Studios and it is posted here for your review only. Text or images may not be copied or reprinted without permission in writing. This is the case for all creative materials, including what has been posted on this and other blogs managed by IMS and myself. Arthur Greisiger.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Studio Space

 Can you imagine living in one of these during the Studio System days?

     Well, Here's a photo of my Antique Star Trailerized Home which sits in the back lot of my studio. I'm in the process of gutting it and rebuilding it with new materials. 

I have owned it for over twenty-five years and I lived in it for four years.   I had it looking real good back then, with a deck and a fire ring. In the back there was a path into a nice sitting area in the woods and I even created a pond from run off water.  That was fun while it lasted.

       I acquired it from a woman who bought it with her husband when he came out of the war. They bought it to live in while they build their house. Since it was titled in 1944, I assumed she meant WWII. 

   Someone suggested it must have been The Korean War because they claimed it has to have been sold in the 50's. I don't know, someone told me he'd lived in one on the base during WWII. 

But I understand their position 

 When I acquired it, I thought I might use it for location shoots with my filmmaking, but then I got involved in writing The Gnomes of New Hope and ended up writing the beginnings of the show in the office (at the end where the picture window is). 

It became my writing retreat. I'm anxious to rebuild it using new materials. Some roof damage has made it impractical to restore it using the original materials. After all, the title says it is a 1944, but trailer aficionados claim it must have been made in the 50's.

I'm not arguing with anybody about it. Any way you look at it, it's around 75 years old. 
So I am stripping it down and rebuilding it with new wood. 
I'm looking to make it a  museum piece and use it as a mountain retreat. 
My floor plan is different than the one in the brochure.

It's still very cool.

The future of Cinema Under the Stars

Visit: Cinema Under the Stars for discussion about this program. All activities in the Meadow Amphitheatre are on hiatus. This and other programs will center around a new portable stage which we are building and will be presented at various locations.

The Meadow Amphitheatre

The Meadow Amphitheatre has been dismantled due (in large part) to vandalism.

We expect to rebuild a portable version of the stage, which will be available on a rental basis. Look for further information to appear on the web pages linked below or send an email to

A tour of The Meadow Amphitheatre has been moved to it's own site and there is a page on Facebook titled "The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park".

Please refer to The Shakespearean Journal for the commentary & discussion regarding efforts to rebuild the stage."

Any information or photographs regarding this stage activity may be found at these three locations and postings will depend somewhat on the interest shown by other people.

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