Although there have not been too many posts on this blog lately, that doesn't mean things have not been busy. In fact, that indicates just how busy things have been.
The larger part of work has been on finalizing the publishing of the Storybooks of The Gnomes of New Hope. The initial focus was to plan to meet demand for a wide distribution of the books, so the publishing was being set up for that scenario. There have been a few delays in that plan, but the basic requirements for that level of distribution are in place. But now I have decided to pull back from that and focus on setting up in-house on demand publishing. The main issue there is inventory and the outlay required, across the board, for deep saturation. The outlay is just too high, the return is too delayed, and the balance of the books still need illustrations in order for the entire collection of books to be "immediately" available. Without the full collection available for distribution, as a collection, then I think deep saturation, or any attempt to achieve that, would be a foolish move. To do so may impair the market by inserting an incomplete product and risking alienating the audience. So on demand publishing, directed at a targeted audience, industry professionals and select individuals such as investors, is the best possible scenario, until such time as the entire collection is closer to being released (as a boxed set). As it stands now; three of the seven books are assembled and fully Illustrated, with only book one completely ready for press.
That being the case, Book One is being published and released on demand, as it is being used to prime the publishing systems; manufacturing, distribution, investment and pre-production for theatre and cinema.
The Business Plan
The blog for discussions on this subject is IMS Producing Partners, but essentially the Business Plan that is moving forward is as such - there are four organizations involved; The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture (the funding operation), IMS Management Incorporated (logistical management), The Gnomes of New Hope Productions (the producing organization) and Image of the Mind Studios (design and development). The implementation of these organizations is contingent upon no other organization stepping in to buy The Gnomes of New Hope franchise. So for further discussion on these subjects keep an eye out on the other blogs and pages on Facebook, most particularly IMS Producing Partners. If you are an industry professional or investor, the entire package of materials, including investment documents, will be available in an electronic package, presented in "Gnomes in a Gnutshell". Make a request via email for discussion on the subject.