I spent many years and a ton of money as a photographer. My photo stock library has thousands of images in it. When it all became digital, I mostly quit doing it, partly because my investments in film cameras were becoming nullified and I wasn't happy about that. I didn't want to invest in new digital equipment.
I stopped working on photography, or sorting my library, figuring that would be best left for my older years. But also, I was busy with building other aspects of IMS, writing, designing, and addressing production management issues.
I began to set up a Gallery page, which I may work on again, since I will offer photography and other art for sale as framed works.
You will find that I will post offerings from time to time, but I'm not investing a lot of time in it and I'm not selling it unless I make a fair profit. Whatever I post will be in my showroom at the studio, so if you see something you like, you can always visit me. I expect that the showroom will become the repository for items I produce, but don't push very hard to sell. I also put prototypes in the showroom. Some items will need to be special order, even after I post them.
I will be working more on the product lines as a whole, since the HDTV e-Storybook is almost finished and the hard copy books are also nearing completion.
Here's link to one image that is available. "The Word"