Can you imagine living in one of these during the Studio System days?
Well, Here's a photo of my Antique Star Trailerized Home which sits in the back lot of my studio. I'm in the process of gutting it and rebuilding it with new materials.
I have owned it for over twenty-five years and I lived in it for four years. I had it looking real good back then, with a deck and a fire ring. In the back there was a path into a nice sitting area in the woods and I even created a pond from run off water. That was fun while it lasted.
I acquired it from a woman who bought it with her husband when he came out of the war. They bought it to live in while they build their house. Since it was titled in 1944, I assumed she meant WWII.
Someone suggested it must have been The Korean War because they claimed it has to have been sold in the 50's. I don't know, someone told me he'd lived in one on the base during WWII.
But I understand their position