I started to plan out the construction of a Sound Studio, when I realized that the stage I am installing should serve as a sound-stage. If it becomes necessary to have a sound proof room, we can add that later. I like the idea of a sound studio, but one critical aspect of that is the overhead issue. If I can succeed at garnering the funds to support overhead on the studio for a twenty-year period, which is my goal, then installing a sound studio would be more practical. It simply is not advisable to invest the money in facilities that may come under threat in terms of operating funds. My interest is to build the facilities within an environment that is completely secure for the long term. I do not want to have to seek clients to use the facility, I would rather have the facility available for in-house operations exclusively. That's not to say that outside client might not want to use the facility, but such application and use of the facilities cannot depend upon it. To put it simply, external application must be gravy for the operation.
The Swedenborg Library in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania
for the cover of
"Nunc Licet"
Part of that is also rearranging some of what is already set up. I am installing a paint booth in one bay and setting that up for both spraying the automotive work I need to do and the painting that comes into play for set construction, furniture refinishing and fabricating, which occurs from time to time.
All of this points to the fact that all production activity is centered around in-house studio production as opposed to location or remote work. This is something that must be understood when engaging with Image of the Mind Studios. All activities are taking place in Southampton, Pennsylvania. My days of traveling around freelancing are over. I just want to be clear about that. AG