This document has been reviewed on 10/18/13
The specifications & references posted here shall constitute public notice
and publication of the foundational Terms & Conditions
of any and all dealings with
Image of the Mind Studios, The Alpha & Omega Society
and any other organizational or personal projects
conceived by Arthur Greisiger
The specifications & references posted here shall constitute public notice
and publication of the foundational Terms & Conditions
of any and all dealings with
Image of the Mind Studios, The Alpha & Omega Society
and any other organizational or personal projects
conceived by Arthur Greisiger
and shall dictate all legally binding activities.
The statements provided herein shall not constitute
the whole of the foundational concepts
but shall provide an understanding of what those concepts consist of.
the whole of the foundational concepts
but shall provide an understanding of what those concepts consist of.
In General- The information provided in this section of The Virtual Studio is for general knowledge and covers a number of subjects under each heading. It is provided for the purpose of establishing the foundational understandings required for participation in any IMS project. You will find that there are different aspects of the method of operation discussed under the different headings or projects. You should assume that all these subjects carry over to each other and that there is consistency in the Modus Operandi of both Image of the Mind Studios and The Alpha & Omega Society and any other organizational structures managed by such. If you find inconsistencies, I certianly would appreciate your saying so, but understand that any terms or conditions are binding only within the language of a specific contract and until such a contract is negoitiated and signed, inconsistencies are irrelevant and only a result of refining complicated methodolgy. I appreciate your understanding in this regard. AG
Personnel- In terms of projects, all work initially performed is considered to be Developmental. Work within a specific project transcends Developmental when budget funds are collected from sources other than the General Partners or Collaborators and those funds are no longer considered to be Front Money. Work outside of Creative Projects is predominately commissioned as an Independent Contractor, although with a shift to a Corporate Operating System the Personnel Structure is beginning to change and any changes to that policy will be specified in the Production Contract. An apprenticeship program is being developed through which all personnel must pass prior to being placed into a staff position. Persons wishing to be involved are welcome to contribute to this process only on the understanding that there are no implied or verbal contracts and the only binding contracts are written, witnessed, and duely initiated.
Binding activity- The only final authority on any binding activity is Arthur Greisiger and no other person is authorized to bind Image of the Mind Studios, The Alpha & Omega Society, or The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park to any agreement. All projects defined herein (being defined as eminating from these web pages) are the property of such and none may be contractually bound without such written authority.
Development & Profit Sharing- Until contractually altered, all creative relationships are that of a "collaboration" and considered to be "Development" for the defining, structuring & creation of the raw materials. These materials are used to package the product and all ancillary capillaries pertaining to the raw material. All such package materials are gathered on spec by the principles/collaborators in the project. All materials gathered are governed wholey by Image of the Mind Studios and no participant has any rights that are separate from those of IMS and may not negotiate any terms whatsoever. Expenses are shared and accrued on the basis of a Joint Venture and it is the responsibility of the provider of the resources to document such contubutions and provide copy. Any resources not documented are excluded from inclusion in the investment. Percentages may be different depending upon how much of the project is brought to the table. Contributions that are limited in scope and committment, yet qualify for a percentage share (because they were provided in expectation of further involvement), are compensated for (in terms of percentage) at the conclusion of the production, marked by the first premiere after which, and not until such time, re-coupment of principle may occur. Contributions that were only provided as a portfolio sample do not qualify for a percentage share. Work for hire does not qualify for percentage participation. Withdraw from the project and/or failure to communicate with principles in the project disqualifies percentage participation and ownership/possession of raw materials reverts wholely to Image of the Mind Studios without shared participation in any degree. Failure to provide services or material promised (in a timely fashion) disqualifies percentage participation and severs all participation rights.
Contracts- are developed and adapted for each project, according the the specific requirements of that project. Although many of the terms are generally consistent, none-the-less variations may occur and thus any binding terms must be present in the specific documentation for the project. At no time does any implied contract exist. Any terms agreed upon in an implied contract must find it's way to paper before the production stage or it is considered moot. All materials developed prior to production are property of the collaborators and the sole negotiating authority of those materials is Image of the Mind Studios. Image of the Mind Studios retains the sole right to implement production in all ancillary markets or negoiate the sale of all rights exclusively until such rights are changed by written contract. It is the responsibility of the parties involved to fully communicate with each other in a timely manner and to make sure that they, or their agents, participate in any contract negotiations that are taking place, and that any implied terms are integrated into the contracts or such implied terms are automatically negated by notification of the impending signing of the contract. No contract is valid unless all parties are so notified. Any Party unavailable for notification or not responding within 30 days after notification surrenders all rights unless specified otherwise within the contract.
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