This was a film project that I partnered with Rafe Stoneman to co-produce. I served as the Producer/Director/Filmmaker and he served as the Co-producer/Performer. Together we created the scenario and wrote the scripted portions of the film. I have to admit that many portions of the written script have never found their way to film. As it stands it is a short film of undetermined length, probably 20-45 minutes.
It has become a rather spontaneous expression of the process we went thru to shoot the material. It seems as though the overall purpose, or story of the film, is metamorphosing as it is edited. Which is basically the way I work. So even though I can say the story is about one man's spiritual journey, and there are elements of family relationships in the story, the emotional responses of the character to his environment are clearly amplified by the editing.
Expect to see a version of this on YouTube as soon as I can get the editing system functioning properly again. AG