
Welcome to the IMS Virtual Studio

Copyright Announcement- The Copyright of all material posted in this blog, is owned by Image of the Mind Studios and it is posted here for your review only. Text or images may not be copied or reprinted without permission in writing. This is the case for all creative materials, including what has been posted on this and other blogs managed by IMS and myself. Arthur Greisiger.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

IMS Management

Here is a link. I'm going to start addressing the Management Structure that I am working to implement. There is a business plan that addresses these subject in more detail and establishes some of the contract parameters for finance and management. I expect that as I find the time, I will transfer that information to IMS Producing Partners. Once again, I point out that blog is a member's only site, as it is designed to address issues that are if concern to our vested partners. All of this is developing and much of it takes place outside of the internet environment. Clearly, those vested partners who are serious have made the effort to communicate directly with me and have visited the studio. Some have contributed resources solely on my word, and for that I am thankful. To those of you who have been watching the progress and who have contributed, I want to assure you that we will not give up until we have made a decent profit and have paid you back for your contribution. Once again, you are welcome to visit the studio and see first hand how things are proceeding. I do hope to manage IMS Producing Partners, so that I can post a tour of the shop, but that needs to remain private , for obvious reasons.

So expect more discussions about management to be posted on the IMS Management blog.

The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture

The future of Cinema Under the Stars

Visit: Cinema Under the Stars for discussion about this program. All activities in the Meadow Amphitheatre are on hiatus. This and other programs will center around a new portable stage which we are building and will be presented at various locations.

The Meadow Amphitheatre

The Meadow Amphitheatre has been dismantled due (in large part) to vandalism.

We expect to rebuild a portable version of the stage, which will be available on a rental basis. Look for further information to appear on the web pages linked below or send an email to

A tour of The Meadow Amphitheatre has been moved to it's own site and there is a page on Facebook titled "The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park".

Please refer to The Shakespearean Journal for the commentary & discussion regarding efforts to rebuild the stage."

Any information or photographs regarding this stage activity may be found at these three locations and postings will depend somewhat on the interest shown by other people.

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