Printer's Layout, On-Demand Limited Edition Books
There were numerous unseen anomalies and corrections to be made.
The end result was a shift in the overall look of the pages.
I opted to lessening the amount of ink on the page
by reducing the opacity of the outer page.
I like it better.
BOOK ONE will go to the printer today for a Limited Quantity as I start to build inventory.
If all goes well, BOOK TWO will follow shortly.
UPDATE: 3/23
This post was a draft, an outdated draft because circumstances changed, but here's the skinny... The On-demand books will begin with jobbing out the printing for the limited quantities required to build inventory. Once the inventory is up to speed, I'm very much looking at putting a printing press in the studio. Beyond publishing the seven book series, there is the music score, which in itself, is larger than the Illustrated Storybook and the Libretto combined. It rather depends on the demand and how the licensing turns out. I am set on the design and implementation of the Hand-stitched Books, but the reality is that those books must remain Limited Editions, simply because of the time factor of making those books cannot meet any large quantity orders. If another publisher steps up to license the Perfect-bind books, then production and distribution of the Unlimited Editions will be out of my hands. This is probably the most advantageous situation, since I need to focus on theatre activities and not get tangled up in book production and distribution.